PANACHE CARE LTD offers support that promotes greater independence, confidence, and self-esteem for service users. Our supported living services will enable service users to live independently in their own home, with appropriate support to help them manage their own tenancy and achieve greater freedom and control in their lives.
The service will offer service users the ability to be offered choice and control over their care and support and therefore PANACHE CARE LTD’s service model of delivery would aim to:
- Enable people to recover and develop the capacity to live more
independently in their communities and contribute to community life.
- Develop the capability of people to maintain their recovery ability to live as independently as possible.
- Support people to maintain recovery and enhance their skills to
engage in employability, volunteering and learning opportunities where
- Provide flexible levels of support to minimise the risk of crisis and social isolation.
- Reduce the number of unsuccessful attempts made to sustain service
user tenancies and the negative impact this has for the would-be
- Take a creative approach based on the Service User’s strengths and
wishes to develop hope and resilience, where other approaches have
failed in the past.
- Know what’s in the local community and be able to link people in
with activities and friendship groups which offer sustainable support
and use community assets. This will include locality-based services for
- Create a pathway for people to move from hospital, residential care
or supported living to independence in the community, where the support
from this service is focussed on the latter and provided by a team of
staff with whom the Service User is familiar.